Analysis of running training and race result: Albert Park 10km


This project was completed for a Data Science course at General Assembly in August 2018. The aim was to choose a project that could potentially be solved by data. IPython (Jupyter) notebooks were used to import and clean the data, with a lot of data parsing required for this project and perform the modelling and visualisations. This document is not meant to be a formal academic report, rather just an informal presentation of the findings.

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Review: Melbourne CBD gyms

It can be a difficult balance fitting in work, fitness, education and life in general. On Mondays and Wednesdays I currently work from 9am to 5pm and then attend a course from 6pm to 9pm. Making it rather difficult to fit in my strength exercises which are very important for me at the moment to get my leg strength back up for running.

I had been attending Melbourne City Baths on a casual basis which is $22.60 per session. Not too bad for a session once very so often, but if I need to get a session in once or twice per week it starts getting a little pricey. So I decided to research and try out pretty much every gym close to work, in the northern corner of Melbourne CBD.

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