So I’m a little delayed with the blog this week after a busy weekend working through pre-course work! Cross training and exercises have been tracking along well.
This week a.k.a. Ben’s Babbling
Weigh in: 64.4kg, 17.0 percent fat :-/
Completed my rehab exercises followed by upper body strength in the evening. Managed to complete 6 chin ups on the last set, up from 5 reps, some improvement!
Afterwards dropped past the track!! (ok it was just for committee meeting, nothing exciting)

I was going to go to the pool but didn’t. Can’t say I was feeling very motivated and then an invite to dinner was the perfect excuse to skip it tonight!
No excuses this time, I went to the pool and did my swimming and pool running. For the pool running I did 10 x 2 minutes on 1 minute off which was alright. Pretty simple 30 minute session.
I’ve gotten into the habit of doing a warm up swim and then a longer swim after. Last week I got to 500m, so this week I did 500m again but aiming to improve my 500m swim time. First time was 21:15, this time 20:15. Swimming PB woohoo!
Thursday I decided to walk to and from the train station. First time I’ve done this since the injury. It’s roughly a 2km or 20 min walk each way. No issues walking to the station, walking home my leg was feeling a little tired towards the end but on issues.
A bit later on I did rehab and upper body strength exercises.

No exercises today, probably a bit lazy but I was starting to put a lot more time into the data science pre-course work. I did go for a nice walk around carlton gardens (the cover photo for this week’s blog).
My weekend was full on with getting through the rest of the pre-course work. It’s pretty much all I did broken up with some exercising, eating and watching footy.
Saturday afternoon I jumped on the mountain bike for a short ride, 27 minutes this time so increased a little more but still keeping it easy effort. I went at 5pm and geez it was surprisingly cold after being sheltered indoors all day! Afterwards I did rehab and upper body exercises.
I went to the pool in the afternoon which was a nice way to break up the day. Sunday afternoons are a great time to go, I had the whole deep end of the pool to myself. Oh and I brought my 500m time down to 19:28 – still a horrible swimmer but improving.
I managed to finish the pre-course work late Sunday night. It was estimated 17 hours of work which I completed over 4 days.. a big ask and I was happy to get through it. A lot of interesting content around python programming and it’s data science and graphing tools. Probability and linear algebra lost me a little!

Day | Details |
Mon | Rehab exercises – 20 mins Calf raise (single leg) 3 x 12 (last set to failure - 26) Calf raise bent knee (single leg) 3 x 10 Single leg squat (theraband) x 30 Shoulder bridge with leg raise 3 x 12 (with band around thigh) Glute med at wall 3 x 6 Upper body weights - 10 mins Chin ups 3x5+ (5,5,6) OHP 3x5+ 25kg (5,5,10) |
Tue | Ate food |
Wed | Swimming - 150m, 5:36 Pool running – 30 mins, 100 bpm 10 x 2 min on 1 min off Swimming - 500m, 20:15 |
Thu | Rehab exercises - 22 mins Calf raise (single leg) 3 x 12 (last set to failure - 22) Calf raise bent knee (single leg) 3 x 10 Single leg squat (theraband) x 30 Shoulder bridge with leg raise 3 x 12 (with band around thigh) Glute med at wall 3 x 6 Upper body strength - 10 mins Barbell rows 3x5+ 25kg (5,5,18) Bench press 3x5+ 25kg (5,5,20) |
Fri | Study |
Sat | Light bike ride on flat road on mountain bike – 27 mins, 139 bpm Rehab exercises - 28 mins Calf raise (single leg) 3 x 12 (last set to failure - 22) Calf raise bent knee (single leg) 3 x 10 Single leg squat (theraband) x 30 Shoulder bridge with leg raise 3 x 12 (with band around thigh) Glute med at wall 3 x 6 Lunge 3 x 8 Arabesque 3 x 6 Upper body strength - 11 mins Chin ups 3x5+ (5, 5, 5) OHP 3x5+ 27.5kg (5, 5, 7) |
Sun | Swimming - 200m, 8:00 Pool running – 30 mins, 113 bpm 5 min warm up, Modified mona, 5 min cool down Swimming - 500m, 19:28 |
Song of the week
I actually mentioned Strung Out last week comparing The Human Project to them, however their newest album is very different.
Strung Out are best known for their albums that came out in the 90’s. Particular their 1996 album “Suburban Teenage Wasteland Blues” and 1998 album “Twisted by Design” bring back a lot of memories for me. I’d be sitting in my parent’s basement (my bedroom) blasting and singing along to these.
The song Matchbook originally came out on Twisted by Design and is one of my favourite Strung Out songs. Lyrically it’s a great song about trying to get over someone and move on.
Don’t look back in anger, don’t look back in anger, it’s just a memory
While the original version of this song is the definition of 90’s skate punk, the 2018 version from Black Out The Sky is quite a different acoustic take on it. I don’t know if it’s just because of how well I know the original, but I’m really hooked on this new release of the song and have been playing it over and over!
Coming up
Monday night I start the Data Science course. Two nights a week 6-9pm for the next 10 weeks!
Tuesday Sports Doctor appointment with Dr Ben Barresi to assess where I’m at.
Thursday physio appointment with Cara to rejig exercises based on Ben’s advice.
Swim PB – love it 🙂
Another great read. You might become a triathlete. An improved swimmer, you can already run – just need to nail the bike. Love all the photos except the last one. It looked way too scary.
Sharon also suggested triathlons recently.. not sure it really interests me. I would still have to get a lot better at swimming to even contemplate it lol. But I am planning to ramp up the swimming and cycling over the next few weeks!